Retreats, Seminars, Courses and Dates
We run, or have information on, a range of Sufi-related events, retreats and seminars in the UK and overseas. Details of these are on our regular e-newsletter which normally goes out monthly from the London Sufi Centre. If you would like to receive information on forthcoming events please email the Office and we will place you on the mailing list, or click here to access past issues.
Alternatively, check out our FaceBook page and FB private group to receive regular updates.
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Monday Evening Class
ExpiredProtected: Sangitha Class
Expired - 28
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Sufi Wednesday Class & Gathering ~ London
Expired - 30
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Monday Evening Class
Expired - 11
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Sufi Wednesday Class & Gathering ~ London
Expired - 13
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Sufi Gathering Day ~ London
Expired - 16