Sufi Gathering Day ~ In Person

The Light that Shines in the Darkness

Sufi Gathering at the London Sufi Centre


Saturday January 25th, 11:30am to 4:30pm

Led by Shams Kim Richardson


The day will consist of guided meditations, practices, chants, zikrs, and teachings from Hazrat Inayat Khan, Pir Vilayat Khan and the ancient Sufi Teachers on the subject of Light.


The day will be led by Shams Kim Richardson who is a Representative and a retreat guide in the Inayatiyya Order, a Conductor in the Inayatiyya Healing Order UK, a Cherag in the Universal Worship, and teaches at the London Sufi Centre.


Please join Shams Richardson at the London Sufi Centre on Saturday 25th January from 11:30am to 4.30pm
(which will be held in the Universel Room on the top floor of CCPE).


You are invited to please bring something Vegetarian/Vegan for a shared community lunch. Please kindly bring an ingredients list to help those with allergies. Thank you. 


Suggested donation towards our Sufi Gatherings is £20 to £50, and you can pay on the day. The Inayatiyya UK very much relies on these contributions to continue its work and we are extremely grateful for your donations.


For more information, please email


Future Sufi Gatherings:

February 15th  |  March 8th

Please check back with the calendar where future gatherings will be posted.


Jan 25 2025


11:30 AM - 4:30 PM


London Sufi Centre
Beauchamp Lodge, 2 Warwick Cres, London W2 6NE